Solo show @ Nano Gallery, february 2016
This immersive project was an attempt to reconstruct the sensation of a painted cave - a hint to the primordial art, mixed with a contemporary feeling. It was inspired mainly by the famous paintings of Lascaux, Altamira, etc. - and also by the work of Jean Dubuffet (e.g. the one presented at the Centre Pompidou in Paris: "Jardin d'hiver").
In an almost complete darkness, the drawings on the walls and ceiling of the gallery were activated by the UV light. The idea that the viewer could walk inside the artwork and get slightly disoriented by it was further implemented by subtle details such as the unevenness/waving of the ground and the concealment of any straight line (or any orthogonal clues for the visual perception).
Among the paintings on the walls, one could also see a tribute to the first artistic images made by humans: the print of the painter's hands.